Location: Holden, Massachusetts

Watts: 4,578

Monthly Production: 410 kWh

Date: March 2016

The solar energy system on this barn roof is the second installed by us for these Jefferson (Holden) customers. The first system, a ground mount installed 6 years earlier, has 210-watt panels. The second system has 327-watt panels. The owners are getting almost as much energy from the new system as from the original one, with 10 fewer panels. Does that mean you should wait for panels to get even better before going solar? No, because both systems pay for themselves in a matter of years and then provide free electricity for decades. If you really wanted to, you could take down a system once paid for and replace it with newer panels. But unless you really need the extra electricity, why would you bother when the system is reliably cranking out free electricity?

The customer says this about going solar with us:

“Our first installation in 2010 was in the field, since the house roof was antique, slate covered and shaded. It took several days, since it involved a substantial concrete foundation. The second, this year [2016], on the barn roof since this was no longer shaded after some radical thinning of the trees, went up in a couple of days with minimum fuss. With fewer panels it seems to generate more electricity than the earlier one. A great team, very efficient and a pleasure to have around.”

And this is Google review the customer left in 2019:

“Two installations, the first in a field, the second on the barn. Both went in quickly, no fuss, have worked reliably and I have no electric bills to pay. Who could ask for more?”