Location: Foster, Rhode Island

Watts: 8,640

Monthly Production: 813 kWh

Date: September 2016

We hate taking photos of beautiful solar installations on gray days like this one, but hey, it’s New England. The sun will come out tomorrow! And yes, solar does work very well in Rhode Island and other parts of the region. Just ask the hundreds of people who have gone solar with New England Clean Energy.

Rhode Island has two big incentive programs to choose from. This homeowner went with the Renewable Energy Growth program. One meter measures the electricity he takes from the utility grid. The other measures electricity he produces with solar and sends to the utility. The amount he produces is offsetting about 95% of his monthly electricity use.

Here’s what the customer said about solar and NE Clean Energy on independent website Solar Reviews, about a year after turning on his system….we love turning skeptics into believers!

“Best decision I have ever made. I was very skeptical at the time of signing the contract. New England Clean Energy did a fantastic job with the install and their estimates on what I would save were very conservative. My actual out of pocket toward my energy loan was $350 for the entire year. My electric bill for 7 months of the year was no more than $12 a month.”