The Energy Miser

WPI Chapter of Engineers Without Borders Takes Solar Tour

New England Clean Energy’s Solar Engineer Kevin Gebo, and Alpha Rho President David Tall, recently led a tour of Alpha Rho in Fitchburg, Mass., for students from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). The students are members of the WPI chapter of Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB).

The group toured the rooftop and indoor components of Alpha Rho’s 745-panel, 238-kW solar electricity system, which we installed in July for the plastics manufacturing company. The tour was arranged by Kevin, who is one of the EWB chapter’s professional mentors.

Why does any of this matter?

Well, the EWB vision is pretty cool: “A world in which the communities we serve have the capacity to sustainably meet their basic human needs.”

Also cool is the fact that young people today can major in sustainable engineering, like Kevin did. After all, this is the generation that will be stuck with saving the planet. That’s all. Just a minor task on the “to do” list of humanity.

Which is why, as president of this solar company, I thought the tour was a great use of Kevin’s time. It reminds us of the big picture reason we are in this business in the first place.

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