The Energy Miser

Solar for Horse Lovers

solar for horse lovers

Marketing Director Sue’s Connemara pony Elphin

“Haaayyyy” horse lovers: We’ve put solar on so many New England horse barns that Holistic Horse magazine made us their “mane” source for a recent article on how equestrian facilities can benefit from solar energy, whether you have a sophisticated breeding farm or a small private barn.

We enjoyed our talk with award-winning equestrian journalist LA Sokolowski, and think you’ll enjoy her take on solar. The article addresses what barns work for solar, solar economics, and why solar has become the new energy standard. Read it here: Holistic Horse June/July 2018 issue.

Holistic Horse magazine article on solarAfter reading the article, high-tail it on over to our website to learn more. You can see some of the barns we’ve installed solar on here in our virtual Solar Showroom.

And after that, there will be no reason to stall or rein in your newfound enthusiasm for clean energy. Take the bit and contact your local solar company to see how much you can save. And don’t let the “neigh-sayers” get in your way.

(New England Clean Energy serves all of New Hampshire and Rhode Island. In Massachusetts we serve the Central, MetroWest, Merrimack Valley and Southeastern regions as well as Cape Cod. Contact us here. If you’re in a different region, visit SolarReviews to find installers near you.)


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