The Energy Miser

Do Solar Panels Work in Winter Snow and Cold?

solar panels and snow

As the mercury dips and snowflakes begin their silent descent, a common question looms in the air: does solar work in the winter if there’s snow on the solar panels? It’s a concern for anyone considering the leap to solar, especially in regions like New England where the winter months bring shorter days and snowy rooftops. The short answer is yes, solar panels do indeed work in the winter, and surprisingly, they can be quite efficient during these colder months. 

Do Solar Panels Work in the Cold? 

To understand why solar panels work in the winter, it’s important to grasp how solar energy is generated in the first place. Solar panels produce electricity from the sunlight’s photons hitting the panel’s surface, not from the heat of the sun. This means that if there is sunlight, solar panels can generate power, regardless of the temperature. 

 In fact, solar panels can perform more efficiently in cooler temperatures. High temperatures can reduce the efficiency of the photovoltaic cells (the technology that we use in solar panels), making the cool conditions of winter ideal for going solar! However, the shorter days of winter mean fewer hours of sunlight, which can lead to a decrease in overall energy production.

What if There’s Snow On the Solar Panels? 

A layer of snow on solar panels can temporarily halt electricity production as it blocks sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells. However, the impact is often minimal for several reasons. Firstly, the angle at which most solar panels are installed helps snow slide off easily, reducing the time panels are totally covered. Additionally, the reflective properties of the snow can enhance light exposure to the panels once the snow begins to clear, potentially increasing their efficiency. 

We advise not to remove snow from your solar panels. Doing so can pose safety risks and potentially damage the panels. Again, the design and angle of our solar installations typically allows for snow to melt and slide off naturally, minimizing the need for intervention. 

Pairing Solar with Battery Backup Can Help in Winter Storms 

One effective way to maximize the benefits of solar panels during the winter is by pairing them with a battery backup system. Battery backups store excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during overcast days, ensuring a continuous power supply. This setup is particularly beneficial in the winter when storms or heavy cloud cover can interrupt power for extended periods. With battery backup, homes can remain powered and comfortable, even during outages, making solar energy a reliable choice year-round! 

Three Big Reasons to Go Solar This Winter 

Fastest Installation Times

 Winter offers the unique advantage of quicker installation schedules. As the demand for solar installations typically dips during the colder months, solar providers like us can offer faster service, ensuring your system is up and running sooner. This means you can start enjoying the benefits of solar energy and savings on your energy bills without the longer wait times often experienced during the peak season! 

Maximize First Year Savings

By installing solar panels in the winter, you’re perfectly positioning your home to capture the abundant sunlight of the spring and summer months during your first year of having solar. This strategic timing means your system will be fully operational for the sunniest parts of the year, maximizing your energy production and the savings on your electricity bills right from the start. (Over the long haul it’s immaterial, but it’ll sure feel better during your first few months of operation.) 

Tax Credits and Incentives

Installing solar panels during the winter not only prepares you for year-round savings but also sets you up for tax-season benefits. With incentives like the 30% federal solar tax credit, you can significantly reduce the initial cost of your solar installation, enhancing your investment’s value, and accelerating the payback period on your solar energy system. In short, it will pay to beat the summer rush and avoid having your system install pushed into next year. 

Solar is a Great Choice All Year Round! 

The resilience of solar panels against winter’s challenges underscores their viability as a year-round energy solution. While there are some considerations to keep in mind, there are benefits of going solar in the winter too! From enhanced efficiency in cold temperatures to the reliability provided by battery backup systems during storms, solar power proves to be a robust and sustainable choice for those looking to reduce their energy bills and environmental footprint. 

For potential buyers who might be on the fence, let this serve as reassurance: at New England Clean Energy, solar energy is not just a summer affair. It’s a sustainable partnership with the sun that endures, shines, and provides—come snow or shine! Embracing solar energy means investing in a future where every season is powered by clean, renewable energy. Explore how solar can light up your winters by reaching out for a consultation. Let’s make every season a solar season! 

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