About: nece_admin
Recent Posts by nece_admin
Is my roof good for solar?

We get many enthusiastic calls and emails from people ready to get solar installed on their roofs. Their enthusiasm is exceeded only by their disappointment if we tell them that their projected return isn’t that good because their roof is far less than ideal. How would we know? How could you know? Here are some… Read the entire post »
Written on December 20, 2019 at 11:03 am
Categories: Residential Solar
Ironically, Consumers Losing as Net Metering Hits the Big Time
When large corporations and their industry trade associations and investors start fighting to discredit and derail a new technology, you know that technology has reached the big time. So it is with solar. The solar program most under fire is Net Metering. The U.S. government may have recently extended the solar Investment Tax Credit for… Read the entire post »
Written on February 10, 2016 at 2:46 pm
Categories: Solar Incentives
Solar Glossary

Solar is simple, but like many industries it has its own language. Let me decipher the terminology to help when you’re learning about solar for your home or business. AC (Alternating Current) The form of electricity used in American homes and businesses. Homes are typically 120 and 240 volt, and businesses typically use 208,… Read the entire post »
Written on January 15, 2016 at 8:47 pm
Categories: Residential Solar

“Hallelujah” could be heard throughout the nation’s solar industry last Friday when the U.S. Congress signed a budget bill that also extended the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) paying homeowners and businesses 30% of the price of their solar energy systems. The ITC has been a huge driver behind solar adoption, so this is a… Read the entire post »
Written on December 23, 2015 at 7:47 pm
Categories: Solar News
STC vs. PTC: Why Solar Panel Testing Matters

You’re the proud owner of a new 7,800-watt solar energy system. But every time you check your online monitoring, your system is operating below the full 7,800 watts of capacity. Then you notice the rating plate on your inverter in the basement says 7,600 watts. What the heck? I can explain the perfectly legitimate reasons… Read the entire post »
Written on December 1, 2015 at 11:07 pm
Categories: Solar Installation
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