Location: Shirley, Massachusetts

Watts: 9,600

Date: January 2013

Solarize Shirley helped these homeowners put 40 Canadian Solar 240-watt solar panels on their roof, greatly reducing their electric bills. The customer wrote this review of our work on independent website Solar Reviews:

“We worked with New England Clean Energy as part of the Solarize Massachusetts program in 2012. While design and installation progress took longer than I expected due to engineering evaluations and roof truss reinforcement, we are very pleased with the final system. The staff is highly professional and great to work with. I was impressed enough that I recommended to my sister that she have them quote and install her roof top PV system as well, and she did. They have been there for us after the installation to provide support for software or hardware.”

Four years after going solar, the happy customer posted this review on Facebook:

“New England Clean Energy installed our 9.6-kW system in late 2012. Jim, Mark, John and the crew were very responsive. The system was designed to handle 60% of our annual electrical usage. Last year it was closer to 80%. Over the past 4 years it has averaged 75%. Along with the PV system, we got a TED (The Energy Detective) system that monitors our power from the Utility and from the panels. I think that part of the reason we are able to use less ‘purchased power’ is because the folks at Clean Energy helped us to become aware of what we use our electricity for. The only time we have had to ask for service was when one of the TED interfaces got fried during a lightning storm. One of the electricians hopped on his motorcycle and brought a replacement by. We are very happy with our Solar System and Clean Energy.”