Location: Tewksbury, Massachusetts

Watts: 8,415

Monthly Production: 686 kWh

Date: February 2015

It’s hard to believe from these blue-sky photos, but this system was installed and went live in early 2015 during a record breaking winter for snowfall and cold temperatures. The customer recalls the experience:

“We absolutely love our system installed in Jan 2015…We were scheduled for one of the coldest weeks that winter and still the crew worked through the frigid conditions and finished on schedule. Just days later the snow began to fall and fall and fall, it never stopped. I was worried about having the weight of 33 panels and historic snow on my roof. We had no problems at all. The heavy snows that winter covered the panels from installation until Mid March…We could not be happier with our decision to go solar. We would highly recommend New England Clean Energy.”

Click here to read his full review, which also talks about his impressions of our work and customer service, and his first year of solar financial benefits.