The Energy Miser

Ductless Mini-Split Efficiency

(This is the third in a series of three mini-split articles I’m posting this week.)

I conclude my series on Ductless Mini-Splits with a quick word on efficiency. It’s the high efficiency of Mini-Splits that helps the planet — you’re using less power to cool your home. And if you power your Mini-Splits with solar, they’re even more environmentally friendly — you can cool your home with no polluting emissions whatsoever. It’s also the efficiency that puts more money in your pocket compared to central air or window A/C units. 

Cooling system efficiency is often rated with a measurement called EER (Energy Efficiency Rating). Higher is better. With a mini-split, the efficiency rating tells you how well the unit converts electricity into cooling.

I did a comparison of a Mitsubishi Mini-Split to a window air conditioner. A number of 12,000 BTU window A/C units had EERs around 11. The 12,000 BTU Mitsubishi Mini-Split had an EER of 13.8. That means the Mini-Split is about 25% more efficient than the window unit.

Mini-Splits come in many sizes. The smallest is 6,000 BTUs but there are also units of 18,000, 24,000, and 36,000 BTUs. With some of the larger units, you can put multiple indoor units on a single outdoor unit. 

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