• Solar Panels Installation in MA, NH, RI, ME From New England Clean Energy
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Category Archives: Residential Solar

New Ebook! Solar Energy MythBusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions

May 21, 2024

Curious about uncovering the truth about solar energy? We have exciting news for you! New England Clean Energy is thrilled to announce the release of our latest ebook: “Solar Energy Mythbusters: Debunking Common Misconceptions.” In this short e-book, we will explore and dispel some of the most prevalent solar myths and misconceptions surrounding solar energy.…  Read the entire post »

The Seven Drawbacks of Solar

July 31, 2023

While solar energy is a renewable and clean source of energy, it does have some drawbacks that are worth considering before making the switch. Here are some of the main drawbacks of solar:  1. High upfront costs  The initial cost of installing a solar system can be expensive and, which can be a potential drawback…  Read the entire post »

How To Compare Solar Quotes

February 22, 2022

Same products are from the same manufacturers and yet most everything – including the price and solar production – is different. How could that be? Most people understand that each installer is probably going to give you a different price. If you’ve ever had to gather quotes for a new roof or another similar project…  Read the entire post »

Five Reasons Your Solar Panels are NOT Identical

September 16, 2021

You just had your solar panels installation done and you have panel level electronics. That means you can see the electricity production of every panel. In fact, you can see power at any instant and the accumulated energy over time. But then you wonder, why isn’t each panel producing the same? There are several reasons…  Read the entire post »

How to Read Your Electric Bill After You Install Solar

June 21, 2021

  So: you install solar and you’re on your way to a reduced electricity bill – congrats! That’s a huge step financially and environmentally. But now your electric bill with solar is looking a little bit different and you’re confused. No big deal – there’s just a few things to remember.  Solar can reduce or…  Read the entire post »

How to Read Your Electric Bill

May 18, 2021

According to Energy Price Choice, around 90% of consumers don’t know what rate they pay for their electric usage. If you’re part of that majority, don’t fret. Many utility bills can be complex to read and the rate is not always obvious.  Before you go solar it’s important to know how much you’re paying on…  Read the entire post »

Should I Replace My Roof Before Going Solar?

September 23, 2020

One of the most important things to think about before installing rooftop solar panels is to evaluate the condition of said roof. If not, there’s a chance you will have to pay to remove and reinstall your solar panels, just to do a roof replacement. Not only is that extra money nobody wants to spend,…  Read the entire post »

Recycling Solar Panels: What To Do at the End of Your Solar System’s Life

September 9, 2020

We all know recycling is one of the easier ways to treat our earth and environment with respect. Solar panels are no different in that the materials that are leftover at the end of their life span would seem to have nowhere to go other than a landfill. And with the increasing number of solar…  Read the entire post »

Where to Get Expert Advice On Going Solar

February 27, 2020

Trying to find a solar company “near me” can unfortunately be a bit too much like buying a car. By which I mean while it can seem that picking the best item for you can seem very simple (leather or upholstery?), it actually can become very complex (what’s the difference between all-wheel drive and four-wheel…  Read the entire post »

Is my roof good for solar?

December 20, 2019

We get many enthusiastic calls and emails from people ready to get solar installed on their roofs. Their enthusiasm is exceeded only by their disappointment if we tell them that their projected return isn’t that good because their roof is far less than ideal. How would we know? How could you know? Here are some…  Read the entire post »