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Category Archives: Solar Benefits

Is Clean Energy Unstoppable?

March 4, 2019

One of the things that people in the solar industry like to joke about is we’re all taking a ride on the “Solar Coaster”. Meaning, it is a very up and down business as public opinion and policies sometimes change at an alarming rate.  But the truth is we know it is the same for…  Read the entire post »

Top 5 Reasons To Go Solar Now!

February 14, 2019

Recent polling shows that 89% of Americans support solar power. So when a chance comes up to mention solar, you can pretty much assume you’re on solid “no conflict” ground regardless of all parties political affiliations. But it’s also true that it is usually best to get right down to the key details. Here’s our current list:…  Read the entire post »

Climate Change is in the Air (and water, and trees, and mountains)

December 10, 2018

It’s been a busy last month or so for climate change news. The biggest of the published findings was the Fourth National Climate Assessment from the US Government released over the Thanksgiving weekend. And the media coverage has been pervasive, covering everything from the fires in California to those few that still believe it isn’t…  Read the entire post »

Going Nuclear or Going Solar?

August 13, 2018

The MassSolar website has an intriguing analysis on its blog today about the Vogtle nuclear power plant in Waynesboro, Georgia, where new units are under construction. A higher than anticipated cost for the project has just been announced, pushing the total price to $18.4 billion. Our friends at MassSolar ask: “How much electricity could you generate…  Read the entire post »

Solar’s Role in July’s Heat Wave

July 30, 2018

If the extremely hot July we’re having has you cursing the sun, think again. Because solar energy systems in New England, powered of course by the sun, are having a real, measurable and positive impact on electricity prices and the planet in this oppressive heat wave. The evidence of this will turn you from a…  Read the entire post »

The Benefits of Installing Solar on Metal Roofs

June 18, 2018

Guest post by Mike Gonet, Senior Partner at Classic Metal Roofs. New England Clean Energy and Classic Metal Roofs have collaborated on many successful metal roof/solar projects.   If you are considering having a solar electric system added to your roof, why install it on a roof that won’t last as long as the solar…  Read the entire post »

Listen to Your Elders for Sage Advice on Solar

May 15, 2018

When I fondly call some of our customers “old timers” I’m not talking about their ages. I’m talking about how long they’ve been proud solar owners, saving on their electric bills and helping the planet. In the past few months, we received these comments from people who went solar three to 10 years ago. If…  Read the entire post »

Proof: Solar Reduces Utility Costs, and Benefits All

April 25, 2018

For ages, I and many other solar advocates have been saying solar benefits all, not just those who own it, by reducing utility costs which should translate into lower rates for utility customers. Now, hard proof is emerging that these benefits are materializing as solar becomes established as the new energy standard. How does solar…  Read the entire post »

Two Ways A Mature Solar Market Benefits Buyers

February 6, 2018

It’s common knowledge solar is booming, and it’s here to stay. Like with most consumer goods (think computers, cell phones), a mature product means even better deals for you, the buyer. Here’s how: #1 – Because solar is so popular, more companies are installing it and competing for your business. While that can be annoying…  Read the entire post »

Buyer’s Guide to Going Solar

February 1, 2018

More than a million Americans have installed their own solar energy systems, reducing their electricity costs, attaining some independence from the utilities, and helping the planet. Is it time for you to shift your electricity budget into solar? Our free Buyer’s Guide ebook takes you through the basics: Is solar right for you and your…  Read the entire post »